Change starts with action! As the Santa Barbara community, we can together as a community improve housing affordability and increase housing opportunities for all. Housing affordability is vital for our homeless population, low-income residents, and all workers in the industries that support our community.
Please take a moment to contact our representatives and express the urgent need for more affordable housing. For your convenience, we have listed below the contact information for local, state, and national representatives, so that you can share your concerns and your ideas on how we can solve the local affordable housing crisis that has affected our homeless, low-income and middle income residents.
Please take the time to contact our representatives. We live in a beautiful place; let’s work together towards making it more affordable.
Call (202) 224 - 3841, or send an email through her website by clicking below.
Call (202) 224 - 3553, or send an email through his website by clicking below.
Call (805) 730 - 1710 or send him an email through his website by clicking below.
Call (805) 965 - 0862, or send an email through her website by clicking below.
Call (805) 564 - 1649, or send an email through his website by clicking below.
Call (805) 681 - 4200 or send them an email by clicking below.
Call (805) 963 - 0611, or send an email by clicking below.
Are you interested in getting involved? Let's work together as a community improve housing affordability and increase housing opportunities for all. To sign up to volunteer at our next Housing Santa Barbara Day, click on the button below to fill out your information.
Housing Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA
Hosted by 2nd Story Associates
Copyright © 2022 Housing Santa Barbara - All Rights Reserved.